Halley Knigge, Staff Writer

Halley is a media relations and content manager for Alaska Airlines. She loves to write, eat and travel. Her favorite part of her job is getting to impress her former aerospace-reporter father with all of the fascinating things she gets to learn at work each day. Her wildest travel experience was spending a night in the Villa Hamster in Nantes, France.

** Profile photo: Iditarod sled dog selfie in Big Lake, AK, 2014. **


When do I get my MVP first class upgrade?

It’s a feeling every MVP knows all too well – that sudden leap of joy at the pre-flight email saying you’ve been upgraded. “It means a lot,” says Keith Hamilton, an MVP Gold 75k who flies anywhere from 25 to 30 times per year. He estimates that he gets upgraded on about two out of…

At the Széchenyi Bath in Budapest. Photo courtesy of Allison Czarnecki.

How to travel with kids (hint: just do it)

Traveling with children can be a daunting proposition. Strollers, car seats, nap times, milk, diapers, escalators – and, not to mention, the children themselves. Add it all up and it’s a recipe for one big headache. But to raise good travelers, you have to start early, says Salt Lake City-area blogger Allison Czarnecki. How?