
5 ways to malama (care for) Hawaii

As visitors to Hawaii, it’s our kuleana (responsibility) to honor the Aloha spirit by respecting and exercising malama (care) while you’re in the islands. We’ve compiled 5 ways to practice malama, each with a short video by the Hawaii Tourism Authority.

Embrace safe, responsible and mindful travel in Hawaii

Like many Hawaiian words, “kuleana” is a complex term that is difficult to express concisely in English. Kuleana embraces multiple concepts, including integrity, responsibility, stewardship, courtesy, tradition and respect for nature (and natural hazards). Before you fly to paradise on Alaska Airlines, learn how to protect the things that make Hawaii special.

An adventurous Kauai “babymoon”

“You’re brave,” a teenaged boy with elaborate dreadlocks and a tattoo of a dinosaur told me as I hoofed it up one of the steeper sections of the hike to Hanakapi’ai beach along the Na Pali Coast. I shot him a smile. “Oh this is nothing,” I bowed my head with false modesty. The truth…