Alaska Airlines

Check out how we’re doing on our DEI commitments

Alaska Airlines has 2025 DEI goals, committing to a more inclusive workforce. Our goals focus on representation, public leadership, and fostering an inclusive culture. With just over a year and a half left, we’re making strides and identifying new areas to enhance our progress. Check out where we stand today and our plans to accelerate forward.

Here’s to one team, one goal in 2018

We recently closed the books on a very good 2017, and before we get too much further into 2018, I want to pause and reflect on what you, our customers, have helped create. Measured as a whole, 2017 was a remarkable year. We flew 44 million of you around this incredible country – and beyond…

13 signs you’re an Alaska Airlines super fan

Alaska Airlines “super fans” are easy to spot. They can be found carrying around their very own mini plane, or glued to the window trying to capture a photo of the airplane’s winglets. They can be overheard talking with a flight attendant like they are longtime friends, or saying, “I love Alaska Airlines!” when seated…