
2015’s top #iflyalaska photos

In 2015, we saw more than 27,000 mentions of #iFlyAlaska on Instagram and Twitter, and passed more than 50,000 fans on Instagram. We’re closing out the year with some of our favorites. Join the conversation in 2016: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram and make sure to tag your posts with #iflyalaska. We can’t…

The year in #iflyalaska photos

This year saw nearly 20,000 photos tagged with #iflyalaska. We’re closing out 2014 with some of our favorites. Join the conversation in 2015: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram and make sure to tag your posts with #iflyalaska. We can’t wait to follow your adventures. Happy New Year!


Introducing Alaska Beyond

By Halle Hutchison, Managing Director of Brand Marketing I am proud and excited to introduce our new, improved Alaska flight experience: Alaska Beyond. We share our customers’ love of discovery, and with every flight you take we are thrilled to bring you our latest finds, from indie hit movies direct to your own tablet, laptop…