Alaska pledges game day support for Strong Against Cancer, adds extra flight to Phoenix

Our Chief Football Officer Russell Wilson has a big game this weekend, and we can’t wait to cheer him on. In fact, we’re so excited that we’ve decided to take our support one step further. For every touchdown scored by Wilson and his offense, Alaska Airlines will donate $3,000 to a cause we’re as passionate…
Jan 9, 2015
< 1 min read

Alaska pledges game day support for Strong Against Cancer, adds extra flight to Phoenix

Our Chief Football Officer Russell Wilson has a big game this weekend, and we can’t wait to cheer him on. In fact, we’re so excited that we’ve decided to take our support one step further.

For every touchdown scored by Wilson and his offense, Alaska Airlines will donate $3,000 to a cause we’re as passionate about as Seattle football: Strong Against Cancer.

Strong Against Cancer is a multi-year initiative dedicated to ending childhood cancer. Funds raised go directly to research in immunotherapy treatments developed by the Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research. In clinical trials, this breakthrough treatment has had an 85 percent success rate. In November, Russell Wilson joined as the captain of this important cause, continuing his well-known dedication to kids in the community.

Naturally, we wanted to join the Strong Against Cancer team as well, so in addition to the $100,000 we’ve already donated, we’ll be watching closely this weekend, excited to cheer on Wilson and the rest of our hometown football team while raising funds for childhood cancer research.

For fans crossing their fingers they might get to root Wilson on all month (knock on wood!), we’re making it easier for you to get to Phoenix. We’ve added an additional roundtrip flight between Seattle and Phoenix, departing Seattle at 5:55 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 30, and another flight leaving Phoenix at 5:55 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 2. The flights are on sale now at

Go Russell! #strongagainstcancer


  1. I’d like to donate and get my kids involved. Or at least show my kids the importance of being involved in a program like this that touches lives

    1. Jo-Leah. What a wonderful way to support this effort. You can donate and learn more at Thank you!

    2. Well I will get on it . Our bonus is coming up soon and that would help

  2. Will Alaska also donate $3000 if the Seahawks defense scores a touch down??

    1. Hi Carol – just offense for tomorrow!

    2. So happy to hear of this…….Wonderful

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