Welcome to the Alaska Airlines blog.
Launched in June 2014, this blog is a place for us to share news, travel tips and features about our company and employees.
We also want to hear from you! Feel free to share your travel stories, comments and suggestions in the story comments. These comments are moderated, but are not monitored round-the-clock and are not the forum to address personal customer service issues.
If you have a personal customer service issue, please visit us on Facebook or Twitter, where our Social Care Team is available to answer most questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you require assistance or need an official response, please contact us at http://bit.ly/ContactAK.
Also, you may share feedback with us at https://www.alaskaair.com/feedback.
While we welcome your comments, we ask that you express yourself in an appropriate manner. We reserve the right to remove any comments that are offensive, contain profanity or are vulgar.
Lastly, out of respect for our employees’ privacy, we reserve the right to remove or edit any posts containing one of our employee’s full names (first and last) or an unsolicited photo of one of our employees. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
By visiting or commenting on our blog, you agree to Alaska Airlines’ Website Terms of Use and Online Privacy Notice.